Mangatawhiri Way

We provide our student's opportunities to become future leaders in their communities. We offer our students the very best chance to develop social, academic and sporting skills.  We do this by promoting our three school values.



Postive Behaviour for Learning 


We are a PB4L school.  This means that we believe that school-wide positive behaviour supports our aims to improve academic success as it allows more time for teaching as the frequency and intensity of behaviour issues are reduced.

This programme is based on a team approach for creating and sustaining a safe and effective school. It focuses on preventing behaviour issues, developing social skills, reinforcing desired behaviour, consistent management of inappropriate behaviour and using data-based assessment and problem solving to address concerns.

​We have developed positive expectations for behaviour, and we expect, reinforce and teach these positive behaviours. 

​Multiple studies of this approach have shown a sustained drop in behaviour issues, increased instructional time, a positive increase in the learning climate, with corresponding improvements in all areas of learning.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Troydon Contractors Ltd - Mangatawhiri School Tuakau Dental Centre - Mangatawhiri School Majestic Pools - Mangatawhiri School Stephanie Alderlieste - Barfoot & Thompson - Mangatawhiri School Gasson Fencing - Mangatawhiri School Julian Electrical - Mangatawhiri School Mitre 10 Mega Pukekohe - Mangatawhiri School Parker Lime Company - Mangatawhiri School CLC Construction - Mangatawhiri School W E Hale Transport - Mangatawhiri School Coppertop Plumbing - Mangatawhiri School

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